Product Name:Limited Edition FEN JIU
Features:It is made by the team listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the group is composed of experienced ma kers who have at least 15 years of working experience.
After the national liquor appraisers evaluation, selecting rare and precious original liquor, producing the purest liquor which surpasses far beyond the international safety standards It has a deep taste and multiple flavor levels, tasting aromatic and elegant. It is the peak production of Fen Jiu.


Product Name:QingHua 50 FEN JIU
Features:The base liquor of QingHua 50
Fen jiu is purely hand brewed by the national intangible cultural heritage brewing team, and buried underground in the pottery for many years, and then carefully scrutinized and  valuated by the national master.


Product Name:QingHua FEN JIU(China Pack)
Features:Qing Hua Chinese Style outfit product is based on Qing Hua Fenjiu. The packaging design is more condensed with Chinese elements, symbolizing “Chinese style” and “Chinese spirit”.
The surface of the bottle “china” is both Chin ese and porcelain, which explains the cultural
connotation of significance. Such a Chinese style art bottle design, coupled with high quality
of Fenjiu and elegant.


Product Name:QingHua 30 FEN JIU
Features:It is ranged Top quality liquor by national well known liquor connoisseurs. It is blended with exquisite blending techniques by using Grand. It s crystal clear and bright in appearance, pure and mild in aromas, sweet and full bodied in palate, and has a lingering finish. It s a real master piece and the top portfolio product in mild flavor Fen Jiu.


Product Name:QingHua 20 FEN JIU
Features:Colour : colorless (slightly yellow allowed), clear and transparent, no suspended matter, no precipitati on. Fragrance: pure fragrance, complex fragrance with clear and harmonious. Taste: The liquor is soft, sweet and refreshing, with harmonious aroma and long aftertaste. Style: with the unique style of Qing Xiang liquor.


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